I've been getting a lot of appointments & emails asking for help coordinating peacock feather hues into weddings . . . especially for maids gowns. It's a growing trend to have your girls in different colored gowns, and more specifically - in the shades of the peacock feather!
Let's start with an inspiration boards to draw some ideas from and then I'll show a couple of items that I can order for you that fit the peacock bill & that you might find interesting from other local vendors!
I love how there's an emphasis on lime green in this inspiration board!
Now on to the good stuff! What can Something Blue do to help you achieve your peacock themed wedding!?
Notice in the inspiration board the infamous Manolo Blahnik blue satin shoe that Carrie wore in the movie Sex & the City!
I'm not sure if there's ever been a bigger shoe inspiration in our time . . . but who can afford them!?
That's why were excited to let you know that you can!
Okay, so they're not Manolo Blahniks . . . they're Nina! They are only slightly different, but way more affordable, and we can order them for you . . .
. . . for only $89.95!!
Your 'something blue' that has huge fashion ties & ties into your peacock wedding for under $100!?
Might as well get them in the Black, Ivory & Grey they come in too!
Other shoes that we can order for you that have a peacock vibe....
{All by Nina $89-$129}
And now on to the Maids gowns . . .
Here are a few stock photos from our 'Forever Yours' maids collection that are shown in this theme of colors!
{Not all of the samples shown are in the boutique - but we can order anything you see on their website, such as the gowns below!}
I love the Passion color in the first picture showing style 711104, as well as the brighter lime color, Kiwi, shown on style 711110 in the second picture. Of course, the perfect hue is the darker dress in the thrid picture, which is Teal on dress style 711113. Other great hues are Cornflower, shown on the fourth dress, style 710207 & Plum, shown on the fifth dress, style 71029. And don't forget about the color Copper - as it is the main color of the full peacock feather - shown lastly on gown style 79113!
You should now have a great place to start as you plan your Peacock Themed Wedding! Let us know how we can help!